10 Types of Blogs That Will Rank Well on Google

10 Types of Blogs That Will Rank Well on Google

Marketers understand the importance of ranking well on Google. After all, organic traffic can be extremely valuable. But what kind of blog posts will help you achieve this? Here are 10 types of blogs that tend to rank well on search engines.

If you’re a marketer, then you know the importance of ranking well on Google. But what types of blogs will help you achieve this? Here are 10 types of blogs that are sure to please the search engine gods and bring traffic to your site.

1. How-to Blogs

How-to blogs are incredibly useful marketing tools for businesses. They offer the chance to share step-by-step instructions and walk customers through a journey that can often seem confusing or intimidating. Not only do they provide an uncomplicated guide to solving a customer’s problem, but they also demonstrate a company’s knowledge in their industry and build trust with their customers – especially when customer feedback is included alongside the blog posts. How-to blogs can also be integrated into a marketing strategy to increase brand visibility by being shared on other platforms like social media channels or being featured as guest posts on different websites. Ultimately, how-to blogs have the potential to bring in more leads, convert more customers and bolster profit.

News Blog

2. News Blogs

For those of us who like to stay informed on current events, news blogs are a great way to get the latest scoop on the topics we care about. Utilizing easy-to-use interfaces and a plethora of different sources and perspectives, news blogs bring us up-to-date breaking news at the click of a button. Whether it be politics, sports, entertainment, technology or any other area that may pique your interest, there is sure to be an eclectic mix of stories for you to explore. With burgeoning online presence and ever increasing popularity amongst readers, news blogs will remain as one of the most dependable places for gathering crucial information worldwide.

3. Listicle Blogs

Listicle blogs have grown in popularity over the years as a convenient way to absorb content quickly. These posts, typically featuring a list of several points related to a particular topic, offer readers a fast-paced and approachable text tailored to their interests. A listicle blog can cover virtually any subject, from the most complex ethical dilemmas facing humanity to the latest gadgets released on the market. But despite their streamlined design, listicling blogs can provide thoroughly researched material that is both educational and enjoyable. Whether you’re interested in gaining knowledge or just killing some time, there’s probably a listicle out there that’s perfect for you.

Opinion Blog

4. Opinion Blogs

Opinion blogs are a great way to generate conversations around topics relevant to your readers. They give you an opportunity to connect with your audience in an interactive, meaningful way, by giving everyone the chance to share their thoughts and opinions on important topics. Opinion blogs also allow readers to form communities which can inspire different viewpoints on the same topic and help build understanding between those who may have differing initial opinions. Whether writing or reading opinion blogs, they can be an excellent way to connect and engage with people from all walks of life.

5. Infographics and Other Visual Content

Infographics and other visual content, such as imagery and videos, can be incredibly powerful tools to make your message more engaging. They simplify complex data into simpler information which is more easily understandable. Adding visuals also makes a webpage much more aesthetically pleasing and increases the quality of the user experience. Additionally, due to their visually appealing nature, infographics attract more attention from various sources allowing them to reach their target audience further. This alone can increase traffic to the website significantly. For any business looking to create content for their website or social media platforms, leveraging the power of visuals is an effective way of truly standing out.

Case Study and Use Case Blogs

6. Case Study and Use Case Blogs

Case study blogs can be a great way to introduce potential customers to your product or service. By providing a detailed account of how your product has helped customers, it demonstrates the value that is available and shows potential to others who are considering working with you. Through strong imagery and stories, these are highly effective at captivating an audience and shows evidence of success in an industry. When done right, case studies provide an engaging flow of content that not only resonates with visitors but also boosts retention rates.

Use cases, on the other hand, look at the intentions or goals of a user and explore general ways to best accommodate those needs. Both types of research can provide valuable insight for developing better services and products. With use cases, companies can obtain an understanding of how users interact with something in a general sense, while through case studies they learn how specific users respond. Together, these tools become powerful assets when used as part of a process to prioritize customer experience.

7. Long-Form, Evergreen Blogs

Writing and publishing long-form, evergreen blog posts has become increasingly popular as an online marketing strategy. These blog posts offer the opportunity to share valuable resources, such as comprehensive how-tos and deep dives into topics of interest, with readers in a way that sticks around for the long haul. Being evergreen also makes it easy for potential customers to find important information about your company or service without having to roll the dice on a link going up or down due to content becoming outdated. Evergreen blogging helps ensure that, whatever search engine someone might use, your site can offer up helpful information that answers the pertinent question at hand instantly.

8. Lists

Lists are an easy and effective way of organizing information. They can be used to concisely document tasks that need to be done, items that need to be purchased, or facts that need to be remembered. Furthermore, lists allow for complex ideas to be broken down into easily understandable sections, making them even more useful. Additionally, lists can help us make decisions by prioritizing or deciding between options quickly and efficiently. Lists are a powerful tool for people looking for organizational assistance in their day-to-day lives.

9. Interviews and Guest Posts

Interviews and guest posts have become increasingly popular as a feature of content creation in recent times as a way to engage with audiences on both sides of the engagement. Interviews allow for a platform to provide education, introduce products and services, and establish credibility around expertise, while guest posts are an effective method to collaborate with industry leaders, bloggers and influencers for more meaningful audience engagement. Furthermore, interviews and guest posts can be cleverly used by content creators to generate link bait and internal linking in article form to draw attention to existing content pieces that may otherwise go unnoticed.

9. In-Depth Reviews

When it comes to looking for reliable, unbiased information on products or services, in-depth reviews offer one of the best resources. Often created by experts who have rigorously researched and tested a product over an extended period of time, in-depth reviews provide details related to its quality, features, design, functionality and much more. Such reviews provide readers with an informed opinion rather than simply marketing messages from the manufacturer or retailer. It is also important to consider where the review was published as well as bias from any sources such as sponsorships or endorsements. With so much available online today, in-depth reviews offer a valuable way to help make informed decisions before making a purchase.

If you want to write a blog that engages your audience and drives traffic to your site, consider using one of these 10 types of blog posts. Lists, how-tos, interviews, and reviews are all popular formats that can help you achieve your blogging goals. And don’t forget the power of visual content! Infographics and other visuals can help capture attention and convey information in a way that is both digestible and engaging. By considering your options and trying out different types of content, you can discover what works best for you and your blog.

5 keyword and SEO essentials for blogs

5 keyword and SEO essentials for blogs

While searching for content on search engines, information seekers look for a variety of keywords. Marketers and bloggers need to understand the various audience types, nature of the content to be created while keeping in mind the key messages of the brand. It is also true that if your content is relevant and exceptional, being located by users on search engines is not a herculean task. But in some cases, a blog loaded with facts and figures might still not make the cut and reach the top of SERPs.

Now the challenge is, how to rank organically high in the SERPs?

While it isn’t rocket science, it also isn’t a piece of cake. SEO experts use a variety of strategies to get their blogs to rank well. Below are some essentials to attract organic traffic to your blogs –



Capitalize on most ranked keywords

At times, you might end up incorporating a few crucial keywords in your copy without a hint that they can get you traffic. Those alone will not suffice to help you get organic traffic. Many keyword research tools equip you with the most searched keywords relevant to your topic. It saves you much time if you can learn what type of keywords are being searched for by your audiences. All you have to do is incorporate those keywords effectively and appropriately in your copy.



Populate keywords consistently

If SEO was simple, your text could’ve been a winner with repetitive keywords throughout. But that is meaningless and lacks a message, and search engines generally ding such websites. Once you have recognised keywords that can potentially make way to organic traffic, use those keywords consistently in your copy but be careful not to overuse them. Meaningfully include long-tail and short-tail keywords by attaching factual and informational value to your copy. You can play with keywords in the title, paragraphs, anchor text, meta description. Please do not engage in keyword stuffing, as some policies by Google dictate that they be adequately used.



Make your blog design-heavy

Content alone will not appeal to your audiences. Imagery, videos and graphic elements bring colour to your blog. These elements can easily keep your viewers engaged. While uploading your images on the blog, be sure to include the keywords in the name of the file. Fill the alt text with a brief description of the image. This might seem like a minuscule effort towards SEO, but it adds immensely.



Link other relevant articles

To increase traffic to your blogs, identify other prevailing blogs that are related to the subject on your blog. By doing this, you might attract the attention of a fellow blogger who has a better online presence. If you’re fortunate enough, you might even receive backlinks. Some sites might link your blog in theirs, and this will be rewarding as it helps to climb up the SERP ladder.



Your older articles might come in handy

If you are a blogger who writes about diverse subjects, then you must also be one that writes multiple articles on the same topic, which would work to your advantage as you can link an article previously written by you to another blog on a similar subject. That way, you are generating more traffic within your blog by redirecting your audiences to other blogs on the same content bucket.


The idea behind optimizing blog content is to be discovered on leading search engines and possibly find a spot on the first page of the SERPs. Presence on second or third pages of the search results is neither visible to the audiences, or is it beneficial to you. Through keyword optimization, your blogs are likely to receive more traffic, given that SEO practices are diligently implemented.